Cardiovascular ailments are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. As per the research, every 1 in 3 individuals die because of cardiovascular disease. Healthy heart is, therefore, a serious concern of our era. There are a number of factors contributing to cardiovascular system ailments such as obesity, unhealthy dietary habits, lack of proper physical activity, stress, overindulgence with alcohol, processed food, etc.
We can alter our regular habits to improve our heart’s health. A healthy heart is essential for the longevity and quality of life. If you are conscious about the wellbeing of your cardiovascular system, a look into your regular habits can provide your insight about whether they are heart friendly or adverse for the health of your heat. In corporate our suggestions to improve and maintain a strong and healthy cardiovascular system.
1. Healthy Diet
A balanced and healthy diet is a necessary measure for healthier body functions and almost all the lifestyle improvement regimes advise primary on maintaining a check and balance on your regular intake. Listed below are some of the most heart friendly food that should definitely be a part of your regular diet:
- Green is good! Yes, vegetables are important food for healthy heart.
- Whole grains such a brown rice, whole wheat, oats etc.
- Fish and fish oil.
- Almonds, walnuts, and seeds such as sunflower seeds.
- Olive oil
2. Loose Weight
If you are obese, watch your diet and exercise. Cut your calories intake daily and try to loose weight. Physical activities help to regulate blood circulation, improve body cholesterol level, and helps to burn the excess fat accumulated in our body.